Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The 12 Days of Blogging- Day 11

So I'm slightly late with Day 11 but the good news is you are going to get two blogs in one day! yay!

Here is the recap:

Day 1: A roommate and a Christmas light or two
Day 2: Two parents and their sons
Day 3: Three-ee vacations
Day 4: Four loving shots
Day 5: FIIIVE of my FAVES
Day 6: Six funny moments
Day 7: Seven skaters skating
Day 8: Eight year old Cole
Day 9: Nine lovely leapers
Day 10: Ten tiny toes

Ok, Clear your throats, especially if you are singing the entire song!

On the eleventh day of blogging, I will bring to you, eleven nativity scenes.

So why nativity scenes and why on Day 11 and not 12? I chose nativity scenes for a few reasons. First, because I remember growing up seeing the plastic ones with one light bulb in each piece sitting on the grass in neighbors yards. Remember those? I was curious to see if people still have nativity scenes and what they look like now. Second, if you go back about 2000 years or so, before Santa, Christmas trees and tinsel, there was a bigger reason to celebrate Christmas and it has to do with the baby that sits in the center of a nativity scene. It's always fun to see how people represent the day Jesus was born... and I have to say there were a few really interesting ones. =)

I picked this for day 11 because I have something extra special for day 12.


And they wrapped the baby in a purple outfit? hmm, that's not how I remember the story. haha

These people were serious about their nativity scene...and their santas too. They had two life size santas in their driveway. Check out their house in the photo below this one.


I don't know about you guys but I'm not a huge fan of the inflatable yard decor... of any kind (sorry mom).


This was on the top of the roof.

This one covered the entire front of their house. I think baby Jesus was behind a plant.

Much nicer than the plastic ones I remember growing up.

Loved this one, mainly because the homeowners were giving hot chocolate!

Umm, yeah, not quite sure what to say about this one. They also had a penguin santa and penguin reindeer. I think they like penguins.

Can you find the nativity scene? It's in there.

I think this was my favorite that I found.

They even had separate scenes with the wise men and Joseph and Mary on the donkey.

I hope you enjoyed these. I had to drive around all of Orange County to find them. Ok, not really... there is one street in Tustin that is amazing. Almost every house had crazy lights!

Thank you Emily and Aaron for walking around with me while I found all the nativity scenes!

1 comment:

Backpacking Ben said...

Great readingg your blog