Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The 12 Days of Blogging- Day 5 *My Favs!*

Here we are, day 5, the biggest day of them all. I promised something good for this day and I hope you think I've stuck to it!

The recap:
Day 1: A roommate and a Christmas light or two
Day 2: Two parents and their sons
Day 3: Three-ee vacations
Day 4: Four loving shots

And now, day 5!

On the fifth day of blogging, I will bring to you, FIIIVEEEE of my FAVES!

I was going to say favorites but it didn't fit as well. I know you are all singing it now so I'm trying my best to make the words fit. =)

I picked these as my favorites not because they are technically perfect but because they are fun, different and I like them. None of these were planned out poses or even locations. I think that's why I like these even more... I couldn't have imagined them until I took them.

This is Emily from Day 4. I love this one because of her expression and her pose. We were both standing in these giant concrete pipes and I wanted a shot of her down low. Both of us being competitive figure skaters when we were younger makes posing easy. All I had to say was squat down and she did the rest. Love it! Oh, one other reason I love it is because it is in black and white. I normally love color but this shot looked like it was older and I felt like the black and white fit perfectly.

I'm not sure why I picked this one. It's cute. She was actually trying to get away from me and I only got to shoot one of two. Luckily this one was in focus and when I look at it I knew exactly what I wanted to do in post processing. It kind of has a greeting card feel to it, yeah?

Avalon has been one of my favorite kids to work with. Just the fact that she was willing to lay down in a parking lot makes her pretty cool. Like I said at the beginning, this shot wasn't planned. I had her sitting on the curb and then I noticed the compact painted for the parking spot. First I had her sitting in front of it but I didn't like it so I had her lay down. She just happened to be the exact length of the word "compact". This couldn't have been planned even if I tried.

This is one of my favorites because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. They look as though they have a love for one another that is beyond my understanding. I can only hope that I meet someone who will look at me the way Hunter is looking at Dana.

Ok, the last shot... drum roll please. I think this is my favorite of the year mainly because it makes me look like an amazing photographer. haha This was definitely not planned. There happened to be a fire. I happened to want to go to this location. Although we were over on time, and Cole was going to be late for High School Musical, her mom was willing to go to one last location. I loved this brick building and thought it would be good for headshots. Little did I know the smoke from the fire would be so spectacular. After I took this shot, I looked at it in the camera and couldn't believe I took it. Oh, side note, it's real. People keep asking me if I photoshopped in the sky. I didn't. I did darken it slightly, but really, just slightly. I think this is a "wow" shot and I think it's pretty cool that it's mine. =) There is more of Cole to come soon so be sure to check back on the other days of blogging.


Unknown said...

Very Cool.

Unknown said...

Very cool shots! I love all your photos! Can't wait to see what is yet to come...

Anonymous said...

Those are great ! I love to read about how a photog got the shot or why they like it. Great idea for Day 5 !