Sunday, December 21, 2008

The 12 Days of Blogging- Day 9 "Leaping!*

I can't believe there are only 3 days left after this one! Time flies!

Here's the recap:
Day 1: A roommate and a Christmas light or two
Day 2: Two parents and their sons
Day 3: Three-ee vacations
Day 4: Four loving shots
Day 5: FIIIVE of my FAVES
Day 6: Six funny moments
Day 7: Seven skaters skating
Day 8: Eight year old Cole

Did you warm up your singing voice???

On the ninth day of blogging, I will bring to you, nine lovely leapers.

The theme- all jumping or leaping photos. I usually don't post jumping photos because they aren't my favorites but they are definitely fun so here are a few from recent shoots!

Let's start with a traditional jump. I like to call this one "the star" leap.

These leaps are a little more on the difficult side. I call these "the super heroes" leap!

Aww, the heel click... classic. Not to mention perfect technique!

This I call "a leap with a purpose". She's on a mission to get somewhere.

This is the "I don't want to get wet so I'll leap into my mother's arms". Much more difficult then the others. This takes a coordination and trust.

We can't leave out the "I'm only two so I don't jump very high" leap.

Another classic- the "I'm pretending I don't want to get wet so I jump when the water is coming but still land in it and splash everyone around me" leap.

I would call this one the "junior super hero" leap. He's not quite there, but close.

And to finish- the "I'm going to jump as high as I can, think it's a fun shot, until I see my facial expression and hope that nobody ever sees it" leap. No, it's fun! I love their dedication to the jumping shot... it's awesome!

Hope you enjoyed all of the talented leapers! Be sure to check back for Day 10. I can promise it will make you say "awwww".


Anonymous said...

Super great Richelle!! What a cute idea!

Anonymous said...